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Board Members: President
Sharon Shallow
Vice President
Ed Hansen

Barbara Courte

 Jo Ellen Speers, Association Treasurer  636-387-0427


If there is an emergency

Call a Board member at the number referenced above.

For non-emergency inquires or problems

Please send an email or a letter to the address below.


Monthly Dues

Monthly Dues are due on the first day of each month in the amount of $250.00 without notice.  Payments not received by the 5th of the month are delinquent and are charged a penalty of $62.50 (25%).  This charge will be reassessed for each month that a payment is not made.  


Never send cash or put cash in the HOA lock box! We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Home Owners:


Please be sure that the Board has emergency contact information for you and for anyone renting or residing in your unit.  If there is an urgent matter, the Board must be able to notify emergency responders.  Contact information will be treated confidentially.  You may write, call or email a board member.  Thank you! 

Drop Box

Summerhill has a drop box so residents have another way to contact the Board and make monthly payments.  The box is on the east side of the first dumpster on Timberbrook Drive.  You will see the letters "HOA" on the box.  Please do not put cash in the drop box.

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